Privacy Policy and Personal Data Text

Jarvis AI

Update Date: 15 February 2023

1. Objective

Nexus App Studios (“Company”), aims to process the personal data of users in accordance with general principles of privacy and the provisions of the applicable data protection legislation to the relevant person, particularly Law on Personal Data Protection No. 6698, (“PDP Law”) and other applicable legislation.

Your personal data, which you provided/will provide to our Company and/or obtained by our Company by any external means, may be processed by our Company as “Data Controller”;

This Privacy Policy is adopted for the continuance and improvement of the activities carried out by Nexus App Studios in line with the principles set forth in the PDP Law.

This Privacy Policy describes which data we collect, how we intend to use, store, protect and share the data we collect, how you can withdraw your consent for the processing of these data and how you can correct and revise the data.

Capitalized terms in this Policy shall have the meanings specified in the Terms and Conditions unless defined separately in this Policy.

2. Collection of Personal Data and Method

Nexus App Studios may process your personal data for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. The personal data of users collected and used by Nexus App Studios in particular, are as follows: your order information if you make a purchase through in-app purchase, and identifier for advertisers designated in your mobile device used in accessing our services (The Identifier for Advertisers-IDFA), identifier for vendors/developers designated your mobile device (The Identifier for Vendors-IDVF) and Internet Protocol Address-IP Address.

Data Categories and Data Types

We may collect your abovementioned data directly from you through electronic or physical mediums, your mobile device, third party applications or third party sources which you can access our application through these mediums such as Apple App Store, Google Play App Store (similar platforms together with “App Stores”), for the purposes of compliance with legal obligations, enhancing our services, administering your use of our services, as well as enabling you to enjoy and easily navigate our services.

We may collect your log data generated while you are using our services/applications (through our products or third party products). This log data may include information such as your device’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing our service/application, the time/date of your use of the service/application, and other statistics.

General Principles Regarding Personal Data Processing

In accordance with this Privacy Policy, personal data are processed by Nexus App Studios as a data controller in line with the basic principles named here: (i) being in accordance with law and good faith, (ii) being accurate and, where necessary, up-to-date, (iii) being processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, (iv) being limited for the purpose for which they are processed and data minimization; and (v) being stored for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed.

3. Purposes of Processing Personal Data and Legal Reasons

Your personal data will be processed via automatic or non-automatic means for the purposes stated below, in accordance with the applicable legislation and articles 5 and 6 of the PDP Law where it is expressly permitted by the laws, the establishment of a contract or direct relation to the execution or performance of the contract and for the legitimate interests of Nexus App Studios provided that your fundamental rights and freedoms are protected.

a) Purposes of Processing Personal Data

In accordance with this text, your personal data is processed for the following purposes in accordance with the above general conditions:

Customer Transaction

Marketing Data

Besides, the purposes of processing personal data may be updated in line with our obligations arising from our company policies and legislation; in particular,

b) Legal Reasons

Customer Transaction

Process Security

Marketing Data

4. Storage and Disposal of Personal Data

Your personal data will be processed for the period required by the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and for the duration specified in the applicable legislation and in any case, for a maximum period of 10 years, unless you withdraw your consent.

Upon completion of the duration, your personal data shall be erased, destructed or anonymized in accordance with the PDP Law and other applicable legislation.

5. Security of Personal Data

Your personal data shall be processed within the scope of technical and administrative measures, according to the data security regulations in the PDP Law and other applicable legislation, and protected by the Company against unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

6. Transfer of Personal Data

Our company may transfer your personal data to third parties in accordance with articles 8 and 9 of the PDP Law and relevant regulations. The categories of third parties to whom we may transfer personal data are indicated below:

7. Rights of Data Subjects

Under Article 11 of the PDP Law, data subjects have the right to:

8. Communication

For more information regarding your rights, the processing of your data, and to exercise your rights, you can contact us via email at or by mail to:

Nexus App Studios, 1234 Nexus Street, Innovation City, Techland.